Structure ISO 9001

ISO 9001: 2015 uses the High Level Structure (HLS) system. This HLS is a 'broad outline' for management systems. It intended to establish an unambiguous chapter structure so that all management system standards have the same sequence and mutual cohesion. Since 2012, the HLS has been the starting point and basis for new and revised ISO management system standards.

The ISO 9001 standard establishes a direct link between the business strategy and operational management. Risk-oriented thinking forms the basis for the management system.

The main features of the ISO 9001:

4. Context of the organization
Here the emphasis is on visualizing the environment of the organization and what specific needs and expectations they have. This information does directly impacts the scope of the quality management system.

5. Leadership
Linking the management system to strategic, policy, roles, responsibilities, and powers.

6. Planning
The decision of opportunities, risks, and identified actions.

7. Support
Have the right resources, traceability, and competent employees.

8. Operation
Controlled operations, so that defined requirements are met.

9. Performance evaluation
Monitoring and measuring, internal audits, and management review.

10. Improvement
Requirements related to improving the management system.